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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - quack


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См. в других словарях

  1. крякать (об утках) 2. каркать; квакать 3. разг. болтать, трещать; нести вздор, чепуху 4. хвастаться, кичиться 5. знахарь, шаман 6. шарлатан, обманщик, мошенник quack methods —- мошеннические приемы quack medicine (remedy) —- шарлатанское снадобье (средство) quack practices —- шарлатанство 7. врач; фельдшер 8. лечить снадобьями, заговором и т. п.; заниматься знахарством 9. шарлатанствовать, обманывать, мошенничать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) кряканье (уток)  2) coll. кряква, утка  2. v.  1) крякать (об утках)  2) трещать, болтать II  1. noun  1) знахарь; шарлатан  2) attr. шарлатанский; quack doctor - врач-шарлатан; quack medicine/remedy - шарлатанское снадобье или средство  2. v.  1) лечить снадобьями  2) шарлатанить, мошенничать QUACK I  1. noun  1) кряканье (уток)  2) coll. кряква, утка  2. v.  1) крякать (об утках)  2) трещать, болтать II  1. noun  1) знахарь; шарлатан  2) attr. шарлатанский; quack doctor - врач-шарлатан; quack medicine/remedy - шарлатанское снадобье или средство  2. v.  1) лечить снадобьями  2) шарлатанить, мошенничать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. v. & n. --n. the harsh sound made by ducks. --v.intr. 1 utter this sound. 2 colloq. talk loudly and foolishly. Etymology: imit.: cf. Du. kwakken, G quacken croak, quack 2. n. 1 a an unqualified practiser of medicine. b (attrib.) of or characteristic of unskilled medical practice ( quack cure). 2 a charlatan. 3 sl. any doctor or medical officer. Derivatives quackery n. quackish adj. Etymology: abbr. of quacksalver f. Du. (prob. f. obs. quacken prattle + salf SALVE(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. intransitive verb  Etymology: alteration of queck to ~, from Middle English queken, from queke, interjection, of imitative origin  Date: 14th century to make the characteristic cry of a duck  II. noun  Date: 1798 a noise made by ~ing  III. intransitive verb  Etymology: 4~  Date: 1628 to act like a ~  IV. noun  Etymology: short for ~salver  Date: 1638  1. charlatan 2  2. a pretender to medical skill  • ~ish adjective  V. adjective  Date: 1653 of, relating to, or used by ~s ~ cancer cures ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (quacks, quacking, quacked) 1. If you call someone a quack or a quack doctor, you mean that they claim to be skilled in medicine but are not. I went everywhere for treatment, tried all sorts of quacks. N-COUNT: oft N n c darkgreen]disapproval 2. Quack remedies or quack cures are medical treatments that you think are unlikely to work because they are not scientific. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]disapproval 3. When a duck quacks, it makes the noise that ducks typically make. There were ducks quacking on the lawn. VERB: V • Quack is also a noun. Suddenly he heard a quack. N-COUNT; SOUND ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v to make the sound that ducks make ~2 n informal 1 someone who pretends to have medical knowledge or skills  (a quack doctor) 2 BrE a doctor  (You'd better go and see the quack with that burn.) 3 a word used especially by or to children to mean the sound a duck makes ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - "duck sound," 14c., quelke, of echoic origin. The noun meaning "medical charlatan" is 1638, short for quacksalver (1579), from Du. kwaksalver, lit. "hawker of salve," from M.Du. quacken "to brag, boast," lit. "to quack (like a duck)" + zalf "salve." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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